Martin Kolacek

Story writer and gamedesigner

Martin Kolacek

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Martin Koláček is a czech writer and gamedesigner. He was born 11. 11. 1981 at 8:35 GMT into a family which communicated in astrological symbols and where even the tiniest life-related event got a universal meaning which was bount with the spiritual well-being of the whole universe. This irrecoverably damaged the boy's delicate psyche and doomed him for a hard life of an artist.
Writing fiction and poetry served as his escape from reality even in the early childhood when he got many undesirable attention by creating a sweet song about a small bird and a big carnivorous plant or even sweeter one called "Sun", describing the horrible death of pilgrims in a desert.
His first public success was an essay "A Home is like a machine gun" which he wrote when being 9-years old. He won a whole-city (Brno) writers' competition and few visits with the school counselor.

He studied Humanities at Charles university and, despite all his effords, finished it, gaining a Bc. degree. He is therefore educated in History, Historical anthropology, psychology, social/cultural anthropology, faking interest and cheating.

He was then swallowed by Disney company and designed mobile games for it for nearly five years.

After leaving the Disney's citadel of evil (the Prague studio) he continued making mobile games but this time for a much creative-free studio, the Lonely sock.

His unsufferably obvious left, green and Human-rights political feelings have made him so mad he lets people downloading nearly all his works from the internet for free.
The only thing which can calm down the small profit-driven part of his soul is that nobody would buy it anyway.

The first book is called "Seven suicides" and has been published in 2000 in Protis. It is an experimental novel, written in the "collective first-person" where everyone is "me". As a good first book, it is dark and depresive. The book is in czech language only.

Book „The Keeper“ shows how much the author's style changed from Seven suicides. The Keeper is a book you may even enjoy. A little. Perhaps.
The story is about an unnatural being whose task is to correct cracks in the order of the Universe. The first part of the book may be published at this web site soon, when the author finds someone to correct his abysmal English.

„Grunt RX-10“

download RX-10is a sci-fi comedy book the author started writing for himself because he was sure it's so dumb nobody would read it anyway. Funnily enough, this is the author's all-time most succesful piece of art. The book tells a story of a machine Grunt RX-10 which could live a calm comfort life if he wasn't so unlucky he was chosen by a mad human to be his key character. So, now he has to manage living with a soul, with depressions and with being insufferably horny.
The book can be downloaded on this web site.

„The Deleted Ones“

The Deleted Ones
is the latest book written by Martin Kolacek. It is a post-apocalyptic sci-fi story. The Earth is no longer ruled by humans but by Pleasurebots, androids once created for pleasure. The main hero, a former human terrorist, is thrust among remnants of a destroyed city, right into the middle of the Pleasurebots’ lover’s paradise. Only to find out he has been condemned by both, humans and Pleasurebots, and has no right to live.
More info here:

English (US)